9 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs

9 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs

Dogs are one of the most beloved animals in the world. They are loyal, affectionate, and always ready to play. But did you know that there are some fascinating facts about our furry friends that you might not be aware of? In this article, we'll explore 9 fun facts about dogs that are sure to surprise and delight you. From the incredible sense of smell that allows them to detect even the smallest scents, to their ability to communicate with us using body language, these facts will give you a whole new appreciation for our canine companions. So, whether you're a lifelong dog lover or just curious about these amazing creatures, read on to discover some truly amazing things about man's best friend.

Dogs are descendants of wolves

It's no secret that dogs are closely related to wolves, but did you know that they are actually descendants of wolves? According to recent studies, dogs were likely domesticated from wolves over 15,000 years ago. Over time, humans selectively bred dogs for specific traits, resulting in the many different breeds we see today. Despite their domestication, dogs still retain many of the traits and behaviours of their wolf ancestors, including their pack mentality and hunting instincts.

In fact, some breeds of dogs, such as the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, still closely resemble their wolf ancestors in both appearance and behaviour. These breeds are often used for sledding and other outdoor activities, as they are highly skilled and adaptable in cold weather conditions. Despite their wild origins, however, dogs have become one of the most beloved domesticated animals in the world, providing us with companionship, protection, and endless amounts of love and affection.

Alaskan Malamute Dog

Dogs have a sense of time

Have you ever noticed that your dog seems to know exactly when it's time for dinner or a walk? It turns out that dogs have an innate sense of time, and are able to recognise daily patterns and routines. Studies have shown that dogs are able to differentiate between different lengths of time, and can even anticipate future events based on past experiences. This ability is thought to be linked to the part of the brain that controls memory and learning, and is one of the many ways in which dogs demonstrate their incredible intelligence.

Interestingly, dogs are also able to sense the passing of time in a way that humans cannot. For example, they are able to detect changes in the Earth's magnetic field, which helps them navigate and orient themselves in their environment. This ability is thought to be linked to the dog's incredible sense of smell, which is one of their most powerful and unique senses.


dogs sense of time

A dog’s wet nose helps them smell better

Speaking of a dog's sense of smell, did you know that their wet nose actually helps them to smell better? It's true! A dog's nose is covered in a special mucus that helps to absorb scent molecules from the air. When a dog licks their nose, they are actually spreading this mucus around, which helps to enhance their sense of smell even further. Additionally, the moisture on a dog's nose helps to capture and trap scent particles, allowing them to better distinguish between different smells. It's no wonder that dogs are often used in law enforcement and other professions where their sense of smell is critical!

In fact, a dog's sense of smell is so powerful that they are able to detect even the smallest amounts of scent. For example, dogs are able to detect a single drop of blood in an Olympic-sized swimming pool, or a teaspoon of sugar in two Olympic-sized swimming pools. This incredible ability has made dogs invaluable in a variety of fields, including search and rescue, drug detection, and even medical diagnosis.

Most dogs have between 200 and 250 million scent receptors.  People in comparison have approximately 5 million. 

dogs sense of smell

Dogs can see in colour

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are not completely colourblind. While they do not see colours in the same way that humans do, they are able to distinguish between some colours, particularly shades of blue and yellow. This is because dogs have fewer colour receptors in their eyes than humans do, which means that they are less sensitive to differences in colour. However, this does not mean that dogs do not see the world in a rich and vivid way. In fact, dogs are able to see in low light conditions much better than humans, thanks to their highly sensitive night vision.

Interestingly, the way that a dog sees the world is also affected by the shape of their eyes. For example, dogs with round eyes, such as pugs and bulldogs, have a wider field of vision than dogs with almond-shaped eyes, such as greyhounds and Afghan hounds. This is because the shape of the eye affects the way that light enters the eye, and can also impact the dog's depth perception and ability to track moving objects.

dogs see colour

Dogs have a unique way of drinking water

Have you ever watched a dog drink water and wondered why they seem to make such a mess? It turns out that dogs have a unique way of drinking water that is designed to help them stay hydrated and regulate their body temperature. When a dog drinks water, they use their tongue to create a scoop-like shape that allows them to quickly and efficiently lap up water. However, this method also results in quite a bit of splashing and slobber, which is why many dogs seem to make such a mess when they drink.

Interestingly, the way that a dog drinks water is also affected by their breed and size. For example, larger dogs tend to drink more slowly than smaller dogs, as they have a larger tongue and mouth. Additionally, dogs with longer snouts, such as greyhounds and whippets, tend to drink more elegantly than dogs with shorter snouts, such as pugs and bulldogs. This is because the shape of the snout affects the way that the dog is able to create the scoop-like shape with their tongue.

dog drinking

Dogs have a sense of fear

It's no secret that dogs are brave and loyal animals, but did you know that they are also capable of feeling fear? In fact, dogs are highly attuned to their environment and are able to pick up on subtle cues that indicate danger or potential threats. For example, dogs are able to detect changes in their owner's body language and tone of voice, and can often sense when something is wrong. Additionally, dogs are able to detect changes in the air and environment, which can help them to anticipate potential dangers before they occur.

Despite their keen sense of fear, however, dogs are also incredibly resilient and able to bounce back from traumatic experiences. This is one of the many reasons why dogs are often used in therapy and other mental health programs, as they are able to provide comfort and support to those in need. In fact, many studies have shown that spending time with dogs can have a positive impact on our mental health, reducing stress and anxiety and promoting feelings of happiness and well-being.

dog sense fear

A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than humans

We've already touched on a dog's incredible sense of smell, but it's worth emphasising just how powerful this sense really is. A dog's sense of smell is estimated to be 10,000 times stronger than that of a human, thanks to the 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose. To put this in perspective, a dog's sense of smell is so powerful that they are able to detect odours that are one million times weaker than what humans are able to detect. This incredible ability has made dogs invaluable in a variety of fields, including search and rescue, drug detection, and even detecting diseases such as cancer.

Interestingly, a dog's sense of smell is also affected by their breed and size. For example, dogs with longer snouts, such as hounds and retrievers, tend to have a better sense of smell than dogs with shorter snouts, such as pugs and bulldogs. Additionally, larger dogs tend to have a stronger sense of smell than smaller dogs, as they have more olfactory receptors in their nose.

police dogs

Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures

We all know that dogs are intelligent animals, but did you know that they are capable of understanding up to 250 words and gestures? According to recent studies, dogs are able to learn and recognise a wide range of words and commands, from simple requests like "sit" and "stay" to more complex tasks like fetching specific objects or identifying people by name. Additionally, dogs are highly attuned to our body language and facial expressions, and are able to pick up on subtle cues that indicate what we want them to do. This ability to communicate and understand us is one of the many reasons why dogs are such beloved and trusted companions.

Interestingly, the way that dogs learn and process language is similar to the way that humans do. For example, dogs are able to use context and inference to understand unfamiliar words and concepts, and are able to recognise patterns and associations between different words and actions. Additionally, dogs are able to use trial and error to learn new tasks, and are highly motivated by rewards and positive reinforcement.

smart dogs

Dogs can help with mental health

We've already touched on the many ways that dogs are able to provide comfort and support to those in need, but it's worth emphasising just how powerful this effect can be. Dogs are often used in therapy and other mental health programs, as they are able to provide a sense of calm and comfort to those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Additionally, spending time with a dog can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of happiness and well-being, thanks to the release of oxytocin and other feel-good hormones.

Interestingly, the benefits of spending time with a dog are not limited to those who are struggling with mental health issues. In fact, studies have shown that even just being around dogs can have a positive impact on our physical and emotional health, reducing blood pressure, promoting relaxation, and even boosting our immune system. So, whether you're dealing with a mental health issue or simply looking for a way to improve your overall well-being, spending time with a dog is a pawsome way to do it!

Dogs can help with mental health


Dogs are truly amazing creatures, with an incredible range of skills, abilities, and traits that make them one of the most beloved animals in the world. From their keen sense of smell and ability to understand us using language and body language, to their unique way of drinking water and powerful sense of fear, dogs are a constant source of fascination and inspiration. Whether you're a lifelong dog lover or just discovering the joys of canine companionship, there is no denying the fun facts about dogs that make them such a special and beloved part of our lives. So, the next time you're spending time with your furry friend, take a moment to appreciate just how amazing they really are!


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